Friday, November 20, 2009

ZAIN - SMS Report service

Well if they thought this will bring our worlds closer then they are definitely wrong !
It is enough that with the Blackberry you have the stupid "D" & "R" to know if your messages have been delivered and read by the receiver. Well what if i DONT want him to know that o read or received a message from them? suppose they are an annoying person we are trying to avoid?
He / she WILL KNOW that we tried to avoid them and they can argue "yes you did receive the message".... just going to put us in awkward situations.

ALSO they say its for free and i will shave my SHANAB if its really for free ! they'll just try to sneak the service fee somewhere along with your 5000 night phone calls or your 10,000 SMS messages during the day (yes i know exaggerated, but thats what they do).

GOOD LUCK TO ALL who seek to avoid annoying messengers.... your days are numbered... so are your excuses.

MR. Funky Camel

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