Thursday, September 30, 2010

No Comment. Just Laugh.

When an asian starts complaining about driving you have to know there's something seriously wrong going on haha... check this out, i died laughing.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dust off my hump back im back fellow herd !!! (hey, that rhymed)

Quoting Robin Williams "GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!!!"
well, we're not in vietnam, but you get the idea. Im back and lets hope for good, i have been extremely busy since my last post.... i even thought i wouldnt be blogging again (i know, hard to believe?) But rest assured i am back, and i will be keeping the funk.
Well let me explain my absence.... i had my last year of University to concentrate on PLUS an annoying part time job which i QUIT !!! :D (what no standing ovation and congratulations?) i have been going through a very tough year and extreme pressure (whos playing the violin in the background? please stop.) I quit my job in May, Graduated in July.. needed some MAJOR R&R (rest & relaxation for those of you who didnt know) Busy with Ramadhan ofcourse (who isnt?) had to do the usual custom of going around Kuwait Dowaneyas shaking hands and congratulating them for living to see another Ramadhan and giving them blessings for their wonderful hospitality and reminding them to remind me that i will remember them in my prayers, and that they should remember me as well... its complicated, but neccessary none the less.
I put on a few pounds, went to London during the Eid break, lost those few pounds and more. Got back to Kuwait, and those pounds came back with re-inforcements, ALOT of re-inforcements.

So all in all, a busy 6 months or so and now im looking for a job (more like waiting for the acceptance since they completely had me going on there that i had it)

So... lets see whats new & uninteresting in K-Town and ill be back with yet another post and look from the usual ironic and sarcastic view. Which i totally love.

Signed, Sealed & POSTED
MR. Funky Camel