Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I-Phone: Trainyard App

This has to be one of the most interesting games in the "puzzle" genre on the iphone. I love how simple and easy it is to understand, and yet it presents a challenge at the higher levels into the game.

Try it and Rate it.
tell me what you think.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Places: Mogahwi

If ever you wanted any type of diverse stationary, this place is the spot to go to.
During school years i always paid them a visit for anything and i love the place.
I passed by again today and thought of sharing the place. Although it is pretty famous, still to those that dont know. Here you go.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Craving: Beef Ramen

get me this, and you will win a prize from the people at "Funky Camel"

Thank you
Please participate soon.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Must Watch: Boardwalk Empire

I was never interested in Lost (sucks), Prison Break (even though i admit it was good), and the other hyped up shows. I was more into Rome, The tudors, Spartacus, Heroes. Its been a while since a show came and actually had an interesting plot with history and i LOVE history, here comes a MUST WATCH show.

Watch it and tell me what you think. The first episode was directed by Martin Scorscese (The Departed, Good Fellas) and it cost around $10,000,00. just for the first episode. Very detailed, authentic,, i loved it.

Monday, October 11, 2010

WTF of the Day

This magazine was found in the "Mubarak Hospital".

For those who dont understand Arabic, the Main Title of this magazine is "Wishing for Death"

What a delightful thing to read in a hospital. Just goes to show you two things:
1) No one reads these magazines thats why no one bothered to remove it.
2) The Editor is depressed, needs help and hes trying to reach out to people. In an unorthodox way.


Thursday, October 7, 2010


A much needed R&R as i wait for calls to come from my job interviews. As well as i needed to get away from society and i really need time to start atleast getting down to brainstorming for my book, which is something im doing for myself as a passion rather than a career path. i love stories, i love to hear, read and tell them.
And what better way to get inspired than this view?

See you soon all you wonderful people.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Listen: Kings of Leon

Thought i'd start a category of posting, making you guys listen to what i LOVE listening to. And what better way to start this new post, other than my favorite song of all time. ENJOY

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New Addiction

lately i have been addicted to this Juice. i cant seem to have enough.
i need help.
Atleast it got me off the "Berries" drink addiction from Al-Maraie.

Till next time... may peace and hilarious situations be upon you.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Finding a Job

I just wanted to share with you guys the last bit of conversation that occurred during my second interview with ZAIN today, to have a sense of why im still clueless as to why im yet to be unemployed...

Interviewer: I like you alot, best out of all the people came in my office.
Me: Thank You.

Interviewer: You have a sense of maturity and awareness the others didnt have.
Me: Thank you, very kind of you.

Interviewer: If it were up to me, i would hire on the spot, you'd fit in the team quickly, i sense you have a great adaptability rate.
Me: Sign me up, wheres the contract?

Interviewer: Unfortunately...
Me: AHAAA !! there you are you little bastard... the "unfortunate" part...

Interviewer: The timing of employment is not up to me, and their are other people i have to see, its part of the process, i cant give you 100%..blah..blah..blah...... BUT i really like you, we connected..
Me: yeah yeah yeah, you can stick that connection up your a$$.

So fellow camels, i have t wait for inevitable call that will go like this:
"Dear Mr.Funky, we regret to inform you we cannot at this time employ you in the position you applied for, but keep trying MWAHAHAHA."


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Driving Hazards in Kuwait...Other than DEATH

This weekend i headed to the Chalet as usual, but i had to stop at a few points to do some errands. During these "few" stops, i went through so many emotions and decided that i had to make the public aware of the hazards of driving OTHER than the fact of getting into an accident or god forbid, Death. And here they are:

- Anger Management: pretty hard to manage with those idiots around you.
- Diabetes: dont know why but they do it to you.
- High Blood pressure: a famous symptom.
- Foul Mouth Disease: You tend to curse alot.
- Blame Game: you get blamed for your driving from other drivers due to the fact of the existing idiot ahead of you which they dont notice.

These are a few, please feel free to add what you believe to be other HAZARDOUS symptoms.