Sunday, November 1, 2009

A New Blogging Angle !!

Welcome to the Funky Camel blog !! 
Yes you read it correct, Funky Camel.  If you're a Kuwaiti, or a non-Kuwaiti, it does not Matter ! 
As Long as you all live in this lovely, over heated, over dry, over humid, over dust, over drought... well you get it, of a country THEN you ARE all Funky Camels.

Now now, don't get too excited at the word funky.  Being Funky can be a good thing and a bad thing at the same time, its up to you !!! to decide where you belong ! 
FOR EXAMPLE fellow camels : your smell is funky <---- BAD SIGN !!!  
So my dear new readers, ( well i hope i marketed this damn blog right )
This blog has been created with a base of humor, a dash of sarcasm, and a lot of love for the public.  Most blogs usually look like a cool version of a news center, what's new, what's not and so on with the blogger posting his opinion.....  i would like to say i am more of the type of person to see the humor in everything, this is what this blog is all about seeing the humor in everything.

SO WITH ALL YOUR ATTENTION i thank you for reading, and i hope you enjoy what's gonna come your way and please fellow funksters please spread the word.

Signed, sealed, & posted
MR. Funky Camel.


Anonymous said...

Cool Blog, sounds interesting....
Its good to know that there is still humor eb hal deera !!
bas sha6reen e6naza wegoloon qashmara :P

allah ewafgek

Good Luck

Corlioni said...

Just wanna say that luved wat u named it funky camel blog ;p very funny pic and wishing u all the best ..

allaah ywafgeek ;)