Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What would you do?

Unable to sleep after claiming to have a headache all day as usual, i lay in bed thinking (as usual again) about past events, my day, people i met and so on, and i keep asking myself "waai3, laish sawayt chithy?" OR "S**t why did i say that?". All in all i keep trying to make the day better in my head (no luck so far with that). SO i decided to add a new thing to the blog, which is called WHAT WOULD YOU DO? ill ask a series of what would you questions and see what im trying to get to with your kind answers (although my luck is bad with the lack of comments AND it seems even though im a marketing major, i suck at marketing my own blog)

1) What would you do if you realize that the people you called friends were not, and the people you didn't did?
2) What would you do if you lived in a country that did not suit your personality even the people in it?
3) What would you do if you ate a KFC Zinger supreme and turns out to be another sleep over in your own bathroom?
4) What would you do if your favorite team lost and again your the mockery of the day?
5) What would you do if after all these years you finally remembered where you left your favorite toy?


6) What would you do if you feel like nothing in life is real?

deep questions with a couple of random light hearted things. Just keep your head spinning. THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A DEPRESSING SUBJECT - its supposed to enlighten yourself.

Signed, Sealed & POSTED
Mr. Funky Camel.


Mrs. said...

When Im in bed I HAVE TO WATCH TV otherwise a million annoying things would come to mind o atnarfaz oo 7altey 7aala so I watch tv lain adookh oo khalas no mala da3i thinking taaley el lail ;p

Mr. Funky Camel said...

Mrs. : TV min a7san el ashya2 to calm the mind and best sleeping drug lol ;p so yea ur doing well ;p